Work meeting for local stakeholders in Comrat region organized by Comrat State University and the enterprise SRL FabricaOloiPak“SANA”
20th of November2020
Larisa CAISIN, Head of Department 2 of the Faculty of Agronomy of the State Agrarian University of Moldova and Coordinator of the UniClad project, gave several positive examples of the development of cluster initiatives and highlighted the main goal and objectives of the project. Opportunities for mobility and training and the positive effects of its implementation for master students and graduate students.Now there are trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex in the region, therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of clusters.

Tetiana RACOVCENA, vice-rector to scientific work presented the main aspects of the project. She noticed the importance of the support of the project by theComrat State administration and the local authorities. aspects of the project. She noticed the importance of the support of the project by theComrat State administration and the local authorities.

Liudmila FEDOTOVA, associate professor of the department of Agro-technological faculty Сomrat State University presented the project activities foreseen for three years such as: training sessions, study visits, students mobility, promotion of clusters initiatives at local level, development of new modules, creation of expertise centers, development and implementation of pilot research projects within the centers.Introduced the project team of Comrat State University.

Maria ACBAS, director SRL FabricaOloi Pak (SANA). The representative of SRL FabricaOloi Pak (SANA) spoke about the role of SANA in the development of the regional economic development cluster in ATU GagauzEri. She presented SRL - Dairy products from the Comrat factory Oloi Pak, under the SANA brand, meet all quality standards. These are the results of a study by the Food Safety Agency (ANSA).150 cows, specializing in a closed production cycle. As part of

Alla LEVITSKAIA, The head of the Inno center, professor, doctor of habilitat of economic sciences, spoke about the clusters in Moldova, scientific research carried out on the basis of clusters.

Work meeting for local stakeholders in Moldova region organized by State Agrarian Universityof Moldova and the enterprise “Terafix”
20th of November2020
Elena SCRIPNIC, Vice-Rector for International Relations, presented the main aspects of the project. She stressed that one of the objectives of the project is to enable the parties to cooperate and encourage them to become part of the clusters and informed the meeting participants that the State Agrarian University of Moldova will work to create a cluster with an emphasis on the development of local non-traditional feed products. The partner of the University, the “Terafix”Enterprise, will be responsible for the practical part of the project. Some scientific research works will be implemented within the framework of the project.

Larisa CAISIN, Head of Department 2 of the Faculty of Agronomy of the State Agrarian University of Moldova and Coordinator of the UniClad project, gave several positive examples of the development of cluster initiatives and highlighted the main goal and objectives of the project. Opportunities for mobility and training and the positive effects of its implementation for master students and graduate students.Now there are trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex in the region, therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of clusters.

Svetlana SASU (PETRASCU), associate professor of the Department of the Faculty of Economy of the State Agrarian University of Moldova and the member of the UniClad project team, presented the key aspects of activities within the organization of clusters, the concept of clusters and their capabilities, creating a basis for the development of their development in the region, creating prerequisites for the development of a model cluster for the development of the production of new feed additives, conducting research consumer behavior in relation to feed products, development of new modules at the faculty, active involvement of students in these activities.

Larisa CAISIN, Head of Department 2 of the Faculty of Agronomy of the State Agrarian University of Moldova and Coordinator of the UniClad project, presented the project activities foreseen for three years such as: training sessions, study visits, students mobility, promotion of clusters initiatives at local level, development of new modules, creation of expertise centers, development and implementation of pilot research projects within the centers.
Elena SCRIPNIC, Vice-Rector for International Relations, presentedthe mainobjectives of State Agrarian University of Moldova during the implementation of the project «Increasing the capacity of universities to initiate and participate in the development of clusters on the principles of innovation and sustainability». She presented models of possible clusters.

Vladimir Anton, representativeof«Terafix»LtD spoke about the roleofsmallfarmsinthedevelopmentofclustersfor regional economic development in Moldova region. He presented the innovation and feed products, is specialized on the closed production cycle. In the framework of the project the farm will serve a practical base for teachers and students, will participate in the creation of the pre-conditions for the development of the model-cluster “Feed production in Moldova region”

Denis ANTON,head of private enterprise «Terafix» as a representative of stakeholders spoke about the impact of the projecton the development of the network of local feedadditive products producers. He confirmed her willing to cooperate with the project and expressed her hope that other producers will join this initiative.
At the end the meeting the LtD makers presented some samples of their products.