The 2nd roundtable with local stakeholders in Poltava region organized by Poltava State Agrarian University
18 March 2021
Valentyna ARANCHIY, Rector, Ph.D. in Economics, Professorgreeted the participantsof the 2nd roundtable and wished a success for creation of the Expertise Center “Milk Local Product” (MLP) which will be founded at Poltava State Agrarian University within the frameworks of the project. She stressed on importance offurther cooperation of the Expertisecenter of Poltava State Agrarian University with partner institutions and enterprises.

Oleg GORB, Vice-rector to scientific and pedagogical work presented the main activities within the project "Enhancing capacity of universities to initiate and to participate in clusters development on innovation and sustainability principles" for March-August 2021. He informed that the purchase of equipment for the Expertisecenter will be completed in May this year.

Oksana KRAVCHENKO, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Small Livestock TechnologiesDepartment introduced the project of the Expertisecenter "Milk Local Product" Regulation. Legal aspects of the ExpertiseCenter “Milk Local Product” (MLP) functioning were discussed by the participants of the round table.

A model of the Expertisecenter “Milk Local Product” (MLP), specialized on milk production and processing with the accent on the development of local products, was presented by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Food Technology Department Tetiana KODAK. She underlined, that the main activity of the MLP Expertisecenter will be aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the region through creating craft dairy products by local producers.A special attention was paid to the accessibility for students, teachers, researchers, industrials and stakeholders.
The participants of the roundtable on all hands supported the candidates of the ExpertiseCenter Council, which were submitted by Tetiana KAPITALOVA, Head of the International Relations Department.

Oksana SKOK, a representative of the family private enterprise “KozaChka” in her speech highlighted the importance of creating theExpertise center for business development in Poltava region.The Expertise center will definitely be a positive impetus in the development of small dairy business.

The chairman of the "DOBRO-KRAFT" Farm Oleksandr TOVSTY, whose enterprise is responsible for the practical part of the project implementation, represented the idea of a joint scientific pilot project of the Expertise center between Poltava State Agrarian University and his enterprise. He noticed the importance of theexchange experiences with domestic and international experts and colleagues.

Yuliia IGNATIEVA spoke about the ways of further cooperation between the Expertise center and the local stakeholder “Chub AGROCONCEPT” LLC. She expressed high hopes that the Expertise center will help to develop new technologies in the dairy industry.