Online Steering Committee Meeting devoted to the development of the models of the Expertise centres was held on the 25th of March 2021
The project coordinator greeted the participants, Irma Servaitė (Kaunas University of Applied Sciences), presented the agenda of the meeting.
The Leader of WP1 greeted the participants Olga Getya (HPHE).
Than every university with its partner institution presented the model of the future Expertise centre and the work that was already carried out.

"Expertise Centre "Agro-Touristy Cluster" at LNAU", Olga Ishchenko, contact person, manager of the project Bohdan Krektun, Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine:
O. Ishchenko presented Expertise Centre "Agro-Touristy Cluster" at LNAU. The centre will be located in Faculty of Agro Technologies and Ecology. The Head of Expertise Centre will be PhD. Bohdan Krektun. The rest of the team will also consist of: Olga Ishchenko, Petro Khirivskyy, Yurij Korinec, Justina Zchylischych, Roman Dudiak. On 2021 March 11 was held round table meeting with stakeholders and signed agreement between LNAU and YNNP. The working group, the statute and regulations of the Centre of Expertise, the appointed manager, the work plan and the general topic of the research were discussed at the meeting. Also, the agreement was signed. The first research pilot project will be "Sustainable agriculture on ecology clean territories as a component of agricultural tourism activities”. A master’s thesis on elaboration was also decided. In the long run, other national and regional landscape parks will be involved in the project.
“Model of Expertise Centres Devoted to IT Technologies in Agriculture at CUNTU“, Larysa Salo, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Ukraine.
Larysa Salo presented a Vice rector for research activity and international relationship Oleksandr Levchenko as a speaker of presentation “Model of Expertise Centres Devoted to IT Technologies in Agriculture at CUNTU“. The main activities of teh Expertise Centre will be research for participating enterprises, examination, practise, preparation of graduates-masters, monitoring of the situation in the field of agricultural production. The Expertise Center will be located in CUNTU. The Research team will consist of Head of Expertise Centre Larysa Salo, Head of Expertise Centre Board Oleksandr Levchenko and Secretory of Expertise Centre Ilona Tsarenko, Leshchenko S., Semenyaka I., Haidenko O., Malyshko O., Seredenko O., Seredenko D., Redreev R. It is currently signed order on the establishment of Expertise Centre and prepared draft of Centre regulation documents.
All the information of Expertise Centre is provided on the CUNT’s website. Also, information is carrying out regularly truth the Internet and mass media. Presentation was held on March 16 at the meeting of the Agrarian Council at the Kirovohrad Regional State Administration and was conducted on the basis of the ISA NAAS.
The first research pilot project will be “Optimization of technology elements for growing the spring barley seeds in the Steppe of Ukraine”. Estimated topics of master and PhD thesis done on the base of researches carried pot by the Centre.
„Model of Expertise Centres Devoted to Milk Production and Processing at PSAA“, Tetiana Kapitalova, Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine
Tetiana Kapitalova presented “Model of Expertise Centres Devoted to Milk Production and Processing at PSAA“. The location of this Expertise centre will be Poltava State Agrarian University, Technology of production and processing of livestock products faculty. The working group will consist of head, secretary, involved teachers, researchers, specialist of the partner institutions, applicants for higher education of PSAU. Applicants and researchers will be able to use the centre’s facilities and equipment to carry out their research and final work. Representatives of companies and other stakeholders will be able to participate in seminars and trainings. All stakeholders will be regularly informed about the results of the cluster.
There is already prepared draft of regulation on the functioning of the Expertise Centre “Milk Local Product”. The final version and cooperation agreement with stakeholders will be provided on May.
The main directions of the centre activities will be research, consulting, informative, training, education.
The first research pilot project will be “Improving the technology of soft pickled cheeses with high biological value from goat’s milk”. The topics of master's and PhD theses are also already planned.
“Model of Expertise Centres Devoted to Aquaculture and Water Management at BTNAU“, Olexandr Bonkovski, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Ukraine
Olexandr Bonkovski presented “Model of Expertise Centres Devoted to Aquaculture and Water Management at BTNAU“. The following structures have to be created by the framework of the project: Interdisciplinarity centre of expertise of agrarian innovations and entrepreneurship. Laboratory of complex ichthyo-pathologic investigations. The Regulations of functioning of these structures was prepared with the task, functions, order of functioning descriptions. The Regulations will be provided by the Academic Council of the university and after the order of rector the organization of these structures will start.
The main tasks of the interdisciplinarity center will be education, research, expertise and analysis; development and organization of training by education programs; study and generalization of domestic; formation of culture of innovative entrepreneurship; application of the results of the Centre‘s activity in educational process; assistance to the combined research activities; Interaction with stakeholders; Active involvement of students and PhD students; Providing information to interested stakeholders.
The tasks of laboratory: Research and technical activities on methodology development; Creating conditions for conducting educational activities; Concentration of intellectual financial, material resources; Implementation and testing of research‘ Seeking for economically reasonable treatment; Publication of research results.
“Model of Expertise Centres Devoted to Milk Production and Processing at CSU“, Liudmila Fedotova, Comrat State University, Moldova
Liudmila Fedotova presented “CENTER Agrobiotechnology. Comrat State University” The main Expertise centre activities will be to providing advisory assistance on agricultural production issues; to carrying out activities related to specialist training; to elaborate mythological recommendations; to conduct research. The center will be located in Comrat State University, Faculty of Agriculture and Technology. The working group will consist of Fedotova L., Cara S., Varban S., Mogildea S., Neicovcena I., Cara A., Cosheleva O., Acbas M., Acbas I.
The Centre will be available for Bachelor’s and Master’s students, professors, representatives of the agricultural industry, interested parties. The topics of master's and PhD theses are also already planned. The meeting of roundtable are planning on 30th of March. A lot of decision will be made after the second roundtable meeting in the end of this month. The pilot project theme and final documentation will be discussed during that meeting.
Caisin Larisa presented “Model of Expertise Centres Devoted to Biotechnologies in Poultry Production at SAUM“. The goal of the Expertise Cerntre Eco-biotechnologies in Agricultures to develop the cooperation on non-interconnected entrepreneurs, research, education and other institutions, thus furthering competitiveness of industries and entrepreneurs. The objectives are implementation of common projects including common researches and their implementation into practice, practical raining of students, transfer of technologies. The working group will consist of 5 members: Cercel L., Scripnic E., Caisin L., Sasu S., Anton D. Centre will be located in the Faculty of Agronomy. Potential Clients of SAUM Centre will be master and PhD students, heads of enterprises, private farms, processing plans, and lab workers.
All the documentation of Centre (Cooperation agreement, Statute, Work plan, Regulation) will be approve at the SAUM Senate meeting in May.
The title of the first research pilot project “Obtaining dietary chicken meat for healthy nutrition of people in rehabilitation after undergoing Covid-19, by feeding birds with eco-innovative supplements from production waste”. The topics of master's and PhD theses are also already planned.