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24 April 2020

On-line Kick-off meeting

The on-line kick-off meeting took place on 24th of April 2020. 50 experts from 9 countries and 24 partner institutions participated in the meeting.

The participants were greeted by the NEOs of National Erasmus+ offices of Ukraine, Moldova and Azerbaijan as well as by the dean of the technology faculty of Kauno Giedrius Gecevicius.

The project coordinator Daiva Ribikauskiene presented the overall management, and main rules of the participation in the EU Erasmus+ programme. A special attention was paid to the place UniClaD among other projects and responsibilities of the partners. She spoke about the necessity to review the work plan in the conditions of the pandemics Covid 19 greatly disturbing the start of the project and possible extension of the project in these conditions.

The meeting started by the presentations of all partners. 

Then the main overall project activities and the activities for upcoming 6 months were presented by the Ukrainian partners Olga Getya and Ludmila Stepura from the Methodology and scientific center of higher and pre-higher vocational education. 

Irma Sevaite, Kaunocollegia, who worked on the edition of the Partnership Agreement spoke of the work that should be done for finalizing this activity. 

This meeting gave the possibility to partners to meet each other, to reinforce the contacts established during the preparing of the application, to discover some of weak points in the project organizations and planning and to show the ways for the nearest actions in order to insure the project activities development.

The planned distant activities are necessary at present conditions and the project will take its normal rhythm as soon as it becomes possible.

All the presentations and other materials related to the meeting are accessible by the link:

On-line Kick-off meeting
